Everyday there is time for group games, free time, recreation time, and community-wide events. So besides learning, you’ll be meeting new people, hanging out, playing games, going to dances, teaching or attending student-led seminars, participating in or watching a variety show, and in general, having lots of fun.
You’ll be eating food from the campus dining hall. They have a variety of options for all meals to suit your tastes. The dining staff is also able to accommodate a variety of dietary issues.
No —MLW is not like school (we promise!) You do have workshops, but they are fun and interactive, not your typical lecture. There are also lots of other activities besides classroom learning that happens at MLW.
All application forms and full payment of fees must be submitted to MLW by May 15th. For more information on our application process, please visit our Application Information [link sec 3].
A typical day is starts with our engaging leadership workshops right after breakfast. Workshops are followed by lunch, mentoring sessions, group games, and/or team projects. After dinner, there’s a different community event every night including a dance, a talent show, “messy games night,” and more. The day ends with a hall meeting and snacks. Then off to bed to rest up for another full, fun day!
In order to encourage the type of healthy risk-taking and community-building that is unique to MLW’s summer programs, we don’t honor requests to room students together. MLW offers a wonderful opportunity for students to meet their peers from across the state of Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region. Rooming students with people they already know would hamper their willingness to get to know others, thus missing out on some valuable learning experiences. Think of it like going to college; part of the thrill of going to a university is all the new people you meet there. Networking with other student leaders is a valuable part of the MLW experience.
Not to worry —our summer programs are designed with daily teambuilding games that ensure students break the ice and get to know one another. Many students establish friendships with their fellow delegates that extend well past the conclusion of summer programs.
MLW’s community outreach programs offer anything from one-day to multiple days with overnight programs that are tailored to address the needs of your student organization. These programs are offered throughout the year. Contact our office for more information.