Through the years, MLW has hosted sponsored students from Boards of Education, individual schools and local management boards from around the state. Each jurisdiction handles the process a bit differently. If your school or organization is interested in sponsoring students, please contact the office for more information.
As part of the standard curriculum, each student develops his or her own action plan. This is done at the end of the week so they can pull from lessons learns and ideas sparked while at MLW. We encourage students to recognize their own potential and to impact change in their school and community. Many of the students stay in touch with one another and MLW hosts a reunion in January to review progress and support individual efforts.
Geographic diversity is an important element of the program but we welcome clusters of students from a school as they can often times create their own support network upon completion of the program. Many schools involve returning delegates in Student Leadership Advisory Councils and other activities to promote school wide goals.
MLW’s highly individualized curriculum means that there is something for everyone –whether it is the self-motivated student leader or the student who is still finding his or her way. We help every individual identify his or her strengths to use as a platform for leadership. If your resources are limited, you may choose to provide partial scholarships to a number of students.