Today was the hottest day of the year, and of course we had the most outdoor activities scheduled! But we made it through with flying colors. This mornings workshops included:

  • Communication and Presentation
  • Group Management
  • Project Management
  • Self-Awareness

After lunch we took pictures, so stay tuned for those! After pictures, delegates played games in their groups, and then had Checkpoint time with their staffers. Committee meetings took place right before dinner:

  • Awareness and Empowerment
  • Variety Show
  • Newsletter
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Community Service

After dinner we had a little recreation time, then some more group time. Then our activity for the evening was Monday Night Olympics, which consisted of games such as Banana Roll, Crab Soccer, Pepsi Cola, and a relay race. At the end of the week, ask your child what game they liked the best!

Crab soccer Banana roll

Once we got back to the dorms, we had our weekly fire drill so we could practice our emergency procedures. Everyone will sleep well tonight after all the outdoor activities!