Last night’s rain gave way to a cool breeze welcomed by all. Delegates finished Round 1 Workshops and started Round 2 Workshops.

Some highlights of the day:

In Creative Problem Solving, delegates debunked the myth that only some people are creative and learned how to navigate the creative process as leaders.

In GroupME (Group Dynamics, Motivation and Empowerment), delegates discussed the dynamics of working with groups, how to utilize their strengths to move through he stages of group development (performed via rap cypher!) and determined ways to use motivation and empowerment to advance causes in their communities.

In committees (broken down by geographic region), delegates continued to forge bonds and discuss issues facing their shared communities. Many of our delegates hold school and regional leadership positions so these meetings are an excellent opportunity to build  strategic partnerships and prepare for advocacy back home.

During group meetings, delegates had the opportunity to attend different “club” meetings during their unstructured time. During today’s session, staff member Hunter led delegates through Improv games and activities to learn how to react with spontaneity and humor.

In the evening, delegates experienced Tuesday Night Activity, or TuNA as it has been dubbed, an interactive series of games meant to spark ways of thinking that aren’t as commonly practiced. Activities included logic puzzles, guessing games and even a dance battle!

At the end of the night, delegates reflected on their day during hall meeting. Round 2 Workshops will be in full swing tomorrow and delegates will start preparing for their end of week presentations in REALITY.