Yesterday, delegates experienced the first Morning Sing of the week! At the end of the week, ask your child what their favorite Morning Sing song is!

The first round of workshops began yesterday, and they were divided by teams:

The Wakandans: Self Awareness and Identity

Delegates defined self awareness, identity, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness. They utilized the “Johari’s Window” to explore and describe traits known to ourselves and others. They assessed their own emotional intelligence and determined its impact on their leadership style. They explored how self awareness and and mindfulness contribute to strong and effective leadership.

Andy’s Room: Motivation, Empowerment, and Support

Delegates defined, compared, and contrasted motivation and empowerment. They explored strategies of motivating themselves and others. They defined support and discussed strategies for application in daily life. They differentiated between confidence and arrogance and how they both impact effective motivation, power, and support.

Happy Campers: Ethics and Morals

Delegates defined and differentiated ethics and morals. They explored the morals and ethics that exist within various communities, evaluated unethical/immoral situations, and explored possible solutions. They discovered their own personal value system and how it applies to authentic leadership.

Code Name: Leaders Next Door:  Process, Problems, and Product

Delegates outlined and described the steps to planning a project. They practiced effective goal setting. They defined and applied project planning tolls including contingency planning, prioritization, and revision. Last, they explored strategies for conflict management.

The Incredibles: Group Meeting

Instead of a workshop, The Incredibles had their Group Meeting which is a time for games  purposely designed for them to bond deeply and quickly with their teammates. We want them to go home with 20 new best friends!

After workshops, delegates had lunch and then attended their committees, where they are able to immediately put into practice the skills learned in their morning workshops:

Variety Show: Plans and implements the Variety Show that will take place on Thursday evening.

Closing Ceremony: Plans and implements the Closing Ceremony that will take place Saturday morning.

Community Service: Constructs a 30-minute community service project that all delegates can participate in on Friday morning.

Newsletter: Creates a newsletter of each day’s activities.

Field Day: Designs and implements outdoor activities to take place on Friday evening.

Media – tasked with supplying photos for MLW social media updates.

Next, delegates went with their tuning partners for an hour of goal-setting and mentoring. Our recreation time had to be moved indoors due to weather, but luckily there’s plenty of indoor space available in Patapsco. Last, delegates ended our very long day enjoying the movie Coco.

More to come tomorrow!