The “MLW Magic” has kicked in early this year as delegates began bonding minutes (literally!) after arriving on Sunday.

ALS S and D Silly

We began their first day with a tour of the campus ending in their Group Room, which is decorated in a Harry Potter theme. We then played “get to know you” games such as Splash, which required staff and delegates alike to learn each other’s names very quickly or be “out!”  They then had their first workshop. Kimberley Gordy, MLW Program Committee member, presented “MLW and You,” with focus on how the MLW experience can translate to the rest of the delegates’ lives now, in college, and in their future career. After dinner in the dining hall delegates attended Public Speaking, presented by MLW Senior High Workshops Director, Annie Coble.


Our first full day started out with MLW’s traditional “Morning Sing.” This is where we stand on a hillside and sing silly songs in order to energize our minds and bodies in preparation for the day ahead. Today included a particularly spectacular version of “Little Red Wagon” that seemed to turn into a dance contest among staff members.

Sterling and Nia 1 Sterling and Nia 2

The first workshop of the day was Self-Awareness with Natalie Sayag, who focused not only on “Who Are You?” but dug deeper with the question “Why Are You?” Discourse, Intersectionality, and the role they play in our identities were explored. The middle of the day was spent preparing for the Equity Symposium on Friday, more team-building games, and working in small groups with staff to establish personal goals and plans. After dinner, guest facilitator Jeremie Lecuyer presented a workshop on Branding, specifically on exploring and developing our own personal brand, which built nicely upon the morning workshop on Self Awareness.

Continuing with the Harry Potter theme, the delegates played Quidditch out in front of the dorm. Unfortunately, by that time it was too dark for photos, but trust me they had a fantastic time. Please tune in tomorrow for another update!

-Anita Anderson, Executive Director