Today started out with a workshop by Sterling called Reactions and Responses. An effective leader is able to account for their reactions and develop a more logical and controlled response that aligns with their values and the needs of the situation. By understanding how to manage their own reactions and those of groups, leaders can increase the level of buy-in from group members when advocating for an idea or course of action.

Our second workshop, Advocacy and Entrepeneurship, was presented by guest facilitator Ryan Arrendell, aka Randy Gloss, an MLW alumna whose passion for raising awareness of racial injustice has turned into her full-time job. She facilitated discussion on how to channel your passions into your life’s work, and provided tools for entrepeneurship. One delegate commented, “This is the best thing I’ve ever heard in my whole life!”

Ryan and delegates

As usual, the rest of the day was filled with team-building activities, further exploration of the themes from yesterday’s workshops and how they tie together, and preparation for Friday’s Equity Symposium. And a little silliness, to boot…

Abby, Chase, and a hat