We are so excited about all of the growth we have seen in our delegates so far this week! We are now finished with Round Two of workshops, which were described in yesterday’s post.

In addition to workshops, delegates continued working on their MIX project. MIX is a time where delegates get to apply the skills from workshops as they work through projects with their entire group. Into the Leaderverse is working on a presentation about mental health awareness, focusing particularly on ADHD. The Revengers are sticking with MSEL’s general theme of Marvel superheroes and is exploring the level of diversity in Marvel movies.

Our evening activity was the Variety Show, where delegates could showcase their various talents.






























This morning, the tables were turned and delegates got to teach workshops on a topic of their choosing. There was everything from how to audition to how to draw the US states!







This evening’s event will be the final dance of the week. It’s another favorite!

Sadly, we must prep for tomorrow’s check out. Check your email for important details, or click here: https://conta.cc/3ofz8O1